Redefine Properties

Assessment date: Jul 2017
The PR tone and cherry-picking of highlight data diminishes the integrity of the report. Despite an employee ethics survey, Redefine’s ethical values seem insincere. Leadership maturity at board level is poorly reflected in reporting, which is boilerplate and inadequate in its dealing with issues such as board balance and effectiveness, though Redefine does deal with non-independence of chairman.
Redefine appears to adopt a compliance approach to its societal responsibilities, such as community relations, internal and industry equity and external societal risks. Leadership voice is generally lacking, for example to link strategy with market insights. Poor use of intensity indicators to make sense of progress on customer issues, as well as environmental issues. Strategic response to the green building challenge/ opportunity is weak, citing one office building as Redefine’s flagship example.
See the executive summary for a more complete overview of FarSight’s analysis for Redefine. Buy our full report for detailed analysis and supporting discussion.