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Year end: Jun 2017
Assessment date: Apr 2018
Sustainability at Distell appears to be strongly compartmentalised. While detailed structures are in place to manage GELSCE issues relevant to the industry, these are largely reported on in separate reports, at the back of the Integrated report (i.e. not integrated), or in a separate sustainability report.
The company’s response to challenges around alcohol abuse is largely disingenuous, to the point of being misleading in its lack of relevance, nor is there any reference to standards of advertising and marketplace behaviour.
The company’s record misrepresenting its products to tax authorities is emblematic of its minimum compliance approach, also evident in its response to pressures to transform towards improved internal and industry equity.
On the other hand, Distell understands and is responding strongly to commercial pressures, both on the equity front, with the creation of a Sustainability Council, as well as to improve reliability of production with its E2 Empowering Excellence Framework.
Distell monitors and manages its environmental responsibilities closely and reports with a refreshing degree of transparency and insight on its compliance with emerging environmental standards – a positive aspect on its reputational balance sheet.
See the executive summary for a more complete overview of FarSight’s analysis for Distell. Buy our full report for detailed analysis and supporting discussion.
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