Assessment date: Jan 2017
Generally boilerplate report with largely superficial information around GELSCE (FarSight’s version of ESG) issues. Although AVI regards its responsibilities as being categorised under ethics, scarce resources, transformation and good citizenship, the only reasonably mature discussion is in the area of scarce resources. AVI’s report on its fish resources in particular, but also around other natural resources, is detailed, strategic, transparent and reasonably sincere. The company also makes a fairly significant investment in learnerships, though this has not translated into an improved BEE transformation score. The ethics report is pure boilerplate compliance and fails to address the issue of marketplace behaviour, a material issue for this sector. Likewise, AVI barely acknowledges the health impacts of it products, or its responsibility in terms of equitable access to products, accurate labelling, packaging and product lifecycle risks.
See the executive summary for a more complete overview of FarSight’s analysis for AVI. Buy our full report for detailed analysis and supporting discussion.